Berthold Magnetic Field Indicator

Berthold Magnetic Field Indicator

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Ask for a price Berthold Magnetic Field Indicator


    • Sample diameter: Ø 20 mm
    • Sample height: 5 mm
    • Holder support: 95 mm


    Berthold Magnetic Field Indicator – is designed to determine strength and direction of the selected magnetizing setup and the quality of fluorescent magnetic powder suspension. When placed on a magnetized test piece, magnetic lines pass through the sectioned iron cylinder. The cuts on the iron cylinder will be visible when magnetic powder or fluorescent magnetic solution is applied. Optimum indication direction is achieved by rotating the sample around its axis. The field direction is perpendicular to the flaw at maximum indication. Magnetizing efficiency, penetration and quality of the fluorescent oil suspension can be determined by slowly turning the outside ring of the field indicator, increasing the distance between the thin brass plate and the test piece. The amount of lift-off at the point of first appearance of the indication gives a
    measure of the magnetic field testing efficiency.