Constant Potential Portable X-Ray Generator CP160D

Constant Potential Portable X-Ray Generator CP160D

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Ask for a price Constant Potential Portable X-Ray Generator CP160D


    • Output voltage range: 10 - 160 kV
    • Beam: Directional
    • Constant power mode: Yes
    • Steel penetration: 29 mm
    • Weigh: 11.9 kg


    Constant Potential Portable X-Ray Generator CP160D

    The CP160D is the lightest and most compact generator of the CPSERIES. Featuring a built-in Beryllium window, it is the perfect generator for the inspection of light alloys such as aluminum, magnesium or fiber based materials like glass and carbon, as well as the greater thickness of steel. In fact, with its penetration capacity that is capable of reaching up to 37 mm of steel, the CP160D is able to execute many different types of NDT tasks without the need to ever have to add extra accessories.
