Gamma Probe 18529 CE for X5C Plus Dose Rate Meter
PTB-approved gamma probes for the measurand * (10) (ambient dose equivalent rate) and pulse probes for extending the measuring range of the basic unit.
- for measurements at „hard-to-get-to“ places
- automatic probe identification by the basic unit
- connectable to the basic unit either directly or by using a probe cable up to a max. length of 100 m (standard length: 1,25 m)
- the basic unit automatically takes over the probe specific calibration factor
- the basic unit either displays the measurand * (10) or Hx for all dose rate probes; in case of connected PTB-
- approved * (10) dose rate probes the PTBsymbol additionally appears on the display
- the basic unit automatically displays the detected type of radiation
- underwater measurements up to a depth of 30 m by using the pressurized
- water protective housing